Functional Movement's are:
- Essential to independent living - we do these movements in everyday life - eg. Deadlift (pick stuff up), Press (put stuff overhead).
- Safe - Because they are natural, not created by man, they are thus, safe.
- Pre-historic - Universal motor recruitment patterns - they are found everywhere - someone invented the peck deck but knowone can say the invented the squat.
- Compound yet Irreducible - These movements work multi joints and different areas but you cannot reduce them. Working the little parts will make you good at little parts - the only way to get better at squatting is to squat BUT people who squat a lot will be great at the little parts...not that we would be seen on a leg press.
- Core to Extremity - A strong core does not mean trunk flextion but trunk extension. For example - keeping a lumbar curve (tight back) on a heavy deadlift involves a strong core. In CrossFit we do not really "rock our abs" - we Stabilize the Core like MotherF***er.
- Move a Large Load, Long Distance, Quickly - F*D/T = Power - In CrossFit we are concerned with power output (how much we can move and how fast we can do it). The power we create with functional movements cannot be matched with non-functional movements.
WOD 22Sept 09
For Time
Start w/ 40 Sit Ups
4 Rounds
10 DB Cleans (M: 20# W: 8#)
10 Ring/Bench Dips
10 DB Front Squats (M: 40# W: 20#)
Finish w/ 40 Sit Ups
5 Rounds
Run 2 Mins
Rest 1 Min
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