WOD 30 Sept 09
6 Rounds For Time
Run 200m
10 KB Swings (M: 55# W: 35#)
Rest Exactly 2 Mins
6 Rounds For Time
10 KB Swings (M: 55# W: 35#)
Run 200m
3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
Hang Power Clean
3 x 30 Second Hand Stand Hold
This is MAX EFFORT 800m run. Go fast. Time it. 30 Hang Power Cleans (M: 95# W: 65#)
30 Double Tire Jumps
20 Power Cleans (M: 95# W: 65#)
20 Double Tire Jumps
10 Squat Cleans (M: 95# W: 65#)
10 Double Tire Jumps
3 Mins – Power Clean
Rest 1 Mins
3 Mins – Shoulder Press
Rest 1 Mins
3 Mins – Back Squat
5 x 5
Deadlift (Heavy)
1 x 20 Kipping Pull Ups
1 x 12 DH Chin Ups
1 x 12 DH Pull Ups
1 x 20 Kipping Pull Ups
15 x Sprint 100m
Rest 30 Secs Between Efforts
WOD 22Sept 09
For Time
Start w/ 40 Sit Ups
4 Rounds
10 DB Cleans (M: 20# W: 8#)
10 Ring/Bench Dips
10 DB Front Squats (M: 40# W: 20#)
Finish w/ 40 Sit Ups
5 Rounds
Run 2 Mins
Rest 1 Min
WOD for Monday 21Sept 09:
4 Rounds For Time
25 KB Swings (M: 40# W: 25#) *Full Overhead
50 Double Unders
Run 400m
Run 1 Mile Max Effort
WOD 18Sept 09
Teams of 2
Using a dumbbell, perform all of this.
(M: 25# W: 10#)
Run 1 Mile
25 Pull Ups
Run 800m
50 Sit Ups
Run 400m
*Db can be carried however during runs. Pull Ups/Sit Ups 1 Working 1 Holding Db
1 x 10 DH Pull Up
1 x 3 Snatch
1 x 10 DH Chin Up
1 x 3 Snatch
1 x 20 Kipping Pull Up
1 x 3 Snatch
*Start snatch immediately after dropping from pull up bar. Rest as needed between pull/snatch combos.
3 Rounds For Time
Elliptical 50 Calorie forward
25 Calories backward
Total Calories burned: 225
5 x 3
Push Jerk
3 x 5
Push Press
*Use a low weight and work speed
Inspiration: “I’ve had smarter people around me all my life, but I haven’t run into one yet that can outwork me. And if they can’t outwork you, then smarts aren’t going to do them much good. That’s just the way it is. And if you believe that and live by it, you’d be surprised at how much fun you can have.” -Woody Hayes
WOD 15Sept09
10 Rounds For Time
5 Pull Ups (CTB)
5 Squats (Below Parallel, Fully Open Hip)
5 Push Ups (Chest/Chin/Quads All On Ground, Fully Extended Elbow w/ Rigid Midline Up)
5 Sit Ups (ABMAT, Hands Touch Ground Above Head, Hands Touch In Front of Feet)
*NO Full ROM = NO Rep
10 Rounds
Run 1 Min
Walk 1 Min
Rest 3 Mins
Run 1 Mile Max Effort
WOD 02Sept09
4 Rounds For Time
25 Thrusters (20# Dbs)
5 Hanging Knees To Elbows
25 Squats
5 Hanging Knees To Elbows
2 Rounds
Run 12 Mins
Rest 2 Mins