1-99% of your shopping can be done on the outskirts of the grocery store. Meat & veggies, nuts & seeds…that’s all you need on hand at home.
2-If it was created by nature eat it, if it is processed, don’t.
3-Animal protein foods, milk and eggs always come with fat and this is how we should eat them. Animal fat supplies vitamins A&D and are needed for the assimilation of protein. Consumption of low fat milk products, egg whites and lean meats can lead to serious deficiencies of these vital fat soluble nutrients. Moreover, animal fats and gelatin rich bone broth spare protein which means that meat goes further.
4- While some lucky people are genetically equipped to digest milk in all its forms, the milk sold in your supermarket is bad for EVERYBODY.
5-You DO NOT NEED CARBS-carbs are not used as structural components in the body; they are only used as a form of fuel. Glucose in the blood stream is toxic to humans unless it is being burned immediately as a fuel. Moreover, humans can exist quite easily without ever eating carbs since the body has several mechanisms for generating glucose from fat and protein consumed.
6-Ideally we should be able to get all necessary nutrients from the food we eat, but with pollution on the rise and the diminishing quality of the food purchased in the supermarkets a good multi-vitamin is becoming essential (as is magnesium, fishoil and glutamine supplementation).
7-Give yourself a break. Can’t be perfect all the time. Allow 1 cheat meal a week where you can eat what ever you want. This also eliminates the potential danger that if you completely eliminate a food group your body will lose the ability to process it. However the rule is once you get up from the table the cheat meal is over. No cheat days allowed ☺
8- Changing your eating patterns is not easy and it takes your body time to adjust. You are asking your body to produce energy from new sources so it is completely normal to feel a bit lethargic at the beginning. Give your digestive system the same consideration you would give your muscles when undertaking a new exercise program. When you start replacing starchy carbs with fat it can take up to 3 weeks for your body to learn how to use fat as a source of energy after which point in time it can become a much more effective source than the short burst starchy carbs.
9-All nutrients in some way or another affect insulin resistance or insulin sensitivity and insulin sensitivity is the route of all hormonal imbalances. Without first controlling insulin, all other efforts will be wasted.
10-Persistent cortisol release (which happens when you are under low levels of stress-such as over exercise, constant lack of sleep...) requires other vital mechanisms to effectively shut down-immunity, digestion, healthy endocrine function...among other stress-health associations, the link between elevated cortisol and weight gain
has already been established. So REDUCE YOUR STRESS!
WOD 28 Oct 09
4 rounds for time(s):
10 Deadlift
20 DB Swings
30 GHD Sit Ups
Rest 3:00
Coach’s notes: Guys use 200 lbs for deadlift, gals use 100 lbs and 55lb and 30lb for DB swings. Post time for each set and total to comments.
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