Tuesday, January 25, 2011

OPT Testing Day

On Saturday January 22nd, I decided to complete the OPT testing challenge. It comprised of 3 tests which I have detailed below. I have also attached a quick 3 minute video detailing my exercises.

Feel free to try these out, and post your results to comments.

Test #1: 1 rep max split jerk from rack

My sets were as follows
- 5 x 135
- 5 x 150
- 3 x 165
- 1 x 185
- 1 x 205 (10lb PR) I wore a belt for this lift but still very pleased with the PR

Test #2: 50 handstand push-ups for time

My time to complete was 4:11. I was very happy with this effort. Back in May, I did AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of handstand pushups in 10 minutes and only managed 47, so I'll accept 50 hspu in less than half that time.

Test #3: AMRAP kettlebell snatches in 10 minutes (1.5pood/1pood)

Apparently, I read somewhere that this is one of the tests they use for the US Secret Service and in order to pass, you need a score of 200! Wow! My total reps in 10 minutes was 166. I used 1 pood (16kg) for this test. At the end of it, my forearms were pretty bruised. Enjoy the video!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

First time with Diane

First time doing Diane, didn't know what to expect with her. My handstand push-ups are good, so I wanted a good time. Felt about 70% going into it. Glute medius/min on right side a little sore from yesterday's front squats.

21-15-9 of
225# Deadlifts
hand stand push-ups

My first set of hspu was unbroken, my last set was 4, 2, 2, 1.

Time = 4:56

Pretty good, I'll say! Next time I want sub 4:30 though ;)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Fran PR!

I'm on week 7 of 9 of olyathlete.com Hybrid program. Today's workout went like this.

  • Snatch(up & downs, 3-5 min apart; off best snatch in current cycle):
    140 x 1, 105 x 1, 140 x 1, 105 x 1, 140 x 1, 105 x 1
  • C&J: 135 x 2reps x 3sets
  • Squat: 195 x 5 x 3

then the metcon looked like this.

3 Round
400 M Run
15 Pull-ups
10 Thrusters @ 95 lbs

Well I hate running and it looked like Fran, so I thought to myself, why don't I just tackle Fran and see if I've improved from last time. The last time I did Fran, my time was 5:48 but I was just spent! I spent over 20 minutes lying on my back on the floor recovering, so you could see that I was pretty nervous about it this time.

In case you don't know, "Fran" is 21 thrusters @ 95lbs, followed by 21 pull ups, then 15 thruster, 15 pull ups, 9 thrusters, and 9 pull ups. Before I started, I made sure I spent extra time foam rolling, static stretching, working on mobility and movement prep work. After a thorough warm up, I gave it a shot. It went down like this:

21 thrusters unbroken

21 pull ups UB

8 thrusters, 7 thrusters

15 pull ups UB

9 thrusters

9 pull ups

Time? 5:04. Good for a 44 sec PR! I was ecstatic. And the better news, I didn't feel that bad afterward. I actually felt pretty good! I didn't even have to lie on the floor! A much different feeling than went I tackled Fran last (which was back in April 2010, I believe). All in all, a better time = increased work capacity = happier me! See you next time! (when I'll have a sub-5 Fran)