Score = 18 rounds + 9 reps
Back Squat = 305
Thanks to Max and Lorne for the scream hype.
Ok bear with me here….I might get some terms a bit off and some dates have a tolerance, but I am going to paraphrase why Gluten sucks so bad for your health.
After hanging with my old pal Robb Wolf for 4 days it has become apparent that there is a chemical war going on between our bodies and the nature of grains to defend themselves.
Now Robby correct me where I have Pattersonized this too far. (see comments section)
In short: It is not the fat that is trying to kill us…..nor are the high glycemic foods 100% the culprit, nor is it necessarily sugar or starch.
The worst part of our diet comes from grains and more specifically a protein in them called gluten.
Here is how it all started: We have evolved for over 4 million years. We have subsisted on a hunter gatherer diet consisting of game meats, fish, seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts and tubers. It has only been the past 5,000 years or so that grains were introduced into our diet. Cultures that switched to grain as a major source of nutrition shrunk by over 6 inches and lost over 25lbs of lean body mass.
The tallest people on earth in the late 19th century were plains indians (5 ‘ 11″ average ht) who lived on a hunter gatherer diet. By contrast the average height of a US calvary man was 5’4″. Also Hunter Gathers showed no sign of Cv disease, type II diabetes, various cancers, Alzheimer’s and a host of other gnarly diseases that are killing us in record numbers.
The difference……grains
Why? Think of the goal of every living thing on earth………..especially think Tbear.
It’s goal is to procreate. Now also recognize that every living thing has some sort of mechanism to defend itself from being killed so it can pas on its genes (Try to get the remote from Tbear when there are females present and you shall see)
Clams have shells, roses thorns, snakes have venom (Tbear has skinny wrists, but watch out for the elbows). Grains have gluten and its purpose is to beak down your gut and kill you.
Stop eating gluten (none….zip….zilch) for 30 days and see what happens. Talk to Tbear or check Robb’s site for what to eat in combination with zero gluten.
There has been recent discussion about the athletic look of the CrossFit women. So today, I decided to give you Coach K’s perspective on training and the woman in CrossFit. Please realize this is Raw and Unfiltered today. I am speaking from the heart. I give kudos to all forms of fitness, however it is the fallacies and the myths I am addressing today and talking about specifically why CrossFit Women are amazing. This goes for women of all ages, backgrounds and body types!
First, there are some common challenges with the way media portrays “fitness”. As you saw on our main page, there are a plethora of so called “Fitness” magazines out there that tout they have the definition of fitness, the pictures of fitness and the body that “every woman wants”. this frustrates me as a coach because of all the feedback I get when women come to me to train. the most common thing we hear as coaches is: I don’t want to lift a lot of weight because I don’t want to get big”. Well thanks to mainstream media we have all lost touch with what is real and what is “gym myth”. We have lost the eye for what is truly appealing to most. Our society has been blessed with air-brushing and photo shoots of skinny women who tout they are “In Shape”. And yet never have I seen a CrossFit woman airbrush her photos of a workout to make her look better. I have yet to find a CrossFit Woman who doesn’t take pride in just being who they are and letting the rest work itself out. I also have yet to find a woman in CrossFit who isn’t willing to try the workout of the day and push even just a little bit past their comfort zone.
I sometimes wish the media would get their shit together and realize we are promoting anorexia, and self esteem issues. I used to worry my daughter would succumb to all the bullshit out there until she wrote a book at 10 years old called “The Best Gym Ever” about a CrossFit affiliate in California called CrossFit FTF. I worry about the images we see and how demotivating it can become for those who need fitness the most, not those who are halfway in shape, but for those who are grossly out of shape. We need to touch these people and NOT give them even deeper rooted psychological issues. We need to realize that the average person is beautiful and the gifted are those on magazine covers and even then, they are airbrushed to a degree. We need to realize genetic potential is a human trait that is different for every man, woman and child and we need to figure out how to reach that in each one of us.
OK. Enough with that… Women are you SURE you are ready for this? Let’s see what “Shape” Magazine shows as a Lower Body, Butt Hips and Thighs workout: Shape Magazine Video
OK. Now let’s look at a Women in CrossFit Video. You tell me who is more fit! And then you tell me if these CrossFit women are “BIG”.
Here are some words to think about coming from a coach who has trained countless women and heard some of the challenges and other discussions coming from his clients: (Please be aware there is only some filtering on this post. this is raw Coach K talk today)
CrossFit is scalable to every one! It is NOT tailored ONLY for those whom are “In Shape” already. It is designed to be scalable based on your fitness level. However, having said that, we WILL push you regardless of age or gender to YOUR physical and psychological limits. Why? Because we know INTENSITY is what produces results, not being in the gym for three hours on a treadmill or elliptical trainer.
Yes you are going to gain muscle. However you will NOT look like you are on steroids unless you take steroids.
Yes your hips, ass and thighs may grow depending on your build and your fitness background. If you have never lifted weights like we do in CrossFit or never squatted more than 15 reps at a time with 2 Pink Vinyl dumbbells, then you will grow. That’s OK. Your body is becoming athletic. If you have that background, we are going to do our best to make sure we find your genetic potential EVEN if you don’t know what that is. It may change your shape. It may put some lean body mass on. It MAY EVEN make your jeans fit differently. But that’s OK!
We understand you don’t WANT to buy a new wardrobe, but if we were worried about that, we would stick you on a piece of cardio equipment for an hour.
We know the intensity is different than you’re used to. It’s what is so great about CrossFit. Your workout will be done in a little bit versus a long bit.
Yes, we know you want to RX the weight, but if you’re not ready, we won’t let you. We are here to push you not hurt you. We believe in progression as much as any other coaches.
Yes you will probably gain some weight when you first start because we understand that muscle takes up less space than fat so for every pound of fat we shave off of you, we will replace it with three pounds of muscle. The great part of this is, you will LOSE FAT and GAIN MUSCLE. We will replace it with FUNCTIONAL strength that you can actually use in life!
We understand that part of the weight gain is due to inflammation in the muscle and retention of water. We understand this is normal and we URGE YOU… THROW OUT THE SCALE because in the end.. it doesn’t f-ing matter.
Yes we will expect you to move heavy weight quickly. It is part of being able to carry groceries, pick up your kids, play with your kids, do your job and perform the essential functions of life.
No we will NOT listen to your whining. In fact, the more you whine, the more weight, box jumps, burpees, pull-ups, air squats, shoulder presses, we will make you do.
We want you to curse our names. It means we are doing our job.
We don’t care if it hurts as long as you aren’t getting injured. We WANT you to be able to function better and sometimes it requires pushing beyond what you think you can do. We will always ensure that what you are doing is within an allowable and safe range of motion for you. We will always ensure your form is correct. and we will correct you if it’s not.
No we don’t want you to wear gloves. When in real life are you going to stop to put on your gloves before you lift a box, pick up your kids, or move things around? Why would we want you to do that at our gym?
Yes you are going to get dirty, be sweaty, mess up your hair. Hell you may even break a nail. If you don’t, we aren’t trying hard enough. It just means you need to work out harder! We will push you to sweat, maybe even blood and tears.
Yes you will have to look at how you are eating. Why? because why on earth would you want to put CRAP in your system when you are training for PERFORMANCE? That’s like giving your High Performance vehicle Low octane fuel!
Yes you are going to get leaner, faster, stronger, but it is a process. Remember it takes TIME to get results. Try it for AT LEAST 90 days before you make up your mind as to whether it is for you or not. How can you say it’s NOT for you if you only try it ONCE?
NO We will NOT let you do HOURS of cardio on the cardio machines. We don’t need you to. Plus, that will end up making you frail in the long run and let’s face it, “strong people are harder to kill and more useful in general”
Here’s the deal. We expect you to have some questions, concerns, and issues with your new body. It’s not what you’re used to. We don’t use steroids, don’t promote the use of long slow distance as a substitute for hard work. we want your results probably more than you do., We just can’t put the work in. YOU have to do it. we are here to motivate, educate and give you the tools. The rest is up to you. But knowing your body will change, and knowing things will start to fit differently, understand this is a natural part of the process. Understand that sometimes being athletic means your clothes may change “Shape” on your body. What we see is an amazing and beautiful woman. What we see is power, speed, strength all wrapped up into an awesome package. We may notice you are looking more lean, or more powerful or heck, even stronger, but that is our way of noticing you are getting the results you have been after.
We love you for who you are, and who you are becoming. We cherish that you have taken an interest in improving your life, improving your being and making life easier to live. We are excited about the fact that you have chosen this lifestyle. And while you may have issues with your new body, realize those of us out there that look at you and say DAMN that girl is a CrossFitter, we love that and look forward to your continued success.
Go out today, and blaze through a WOD just because you can… and you’re awesome!
Here's a humorous video about the Paleo diet:
“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is uniquely your own.” ~ Bruce Lee
Everyone is born with a specific body shape. Depending upon your genetics, as well as your exercise routine and diet, you look quite different from those around you. While there is nothing you can do to alter your body’s structure, there are ways to make the most of what you have. Here are some tips on how to identify your body type and how to sculpt it with the specific exercises suited for you.
Based on the work of scientist William Sheldon (1898-1977), physiologists have refined a theory that all human beings fall into one of three categories of body type dictated by the prominence of different basic tissue types we each have: digestive, muscular and nervous. Sheldon named his body types after the three germ layers of embryonic development: the endoderm that develops into the digestive tract, the mesoderm that becomes muscle, heart and blood vessels, and the ectoderm that forms the nervous system.
The Endomorph
Endomorphs tend to have bigger bones than the other body types. These men and women usually have round faces with larger thighs and hips. Endomorphs have arms and legs that tend to be short and tapering, giving them a stocky appearance. Most endomorphs have comparatively small hands and feet and a high waist. Other traits of the endomorph include soft, smooth skin and fine hair. The head of the endomorph is large and spherical with a broad face. The body of the extreme endomorph is round and soft. It appears that much of the mass has been concentrated in the abdominal area.
The endomorphic body type is sometimes referred as “apple” for those who put most muscle and fat on the top half of the torso, and “pear” for those who put most muscle and fat on the bottom half of the torso. This body type is characterized by an increased amount of fat storage, due to having a larger number of fat cells than the average person, as well as higher proportion of digestive tissue. Fortunately, though, endomorphs can also build muscle and lean mass easily.
The Mesomorph
Mesomorphs are usually described as having an athletic build. They have dense, mature muscle and usually a good posture. The majority of mesomorphs have broad shoulders and a narrow waist. They have a fast metabolism and can lose weight more easily than endomorphs. Female mesomorphs have an hourglass shape and males have a wedge shape. Other traits of the mesomorph include thick skin and hair with a heavy texture. The bones and muscles of the head are prominent. Features of the face are clearly defined, such as cheek bones and a square, heavy jaw. The face is long and broad, and is cubicle in shape. Arms and legs are developed and even the digits of the hand are muscled.
In a sense, mesomorphs are the luckiest of the three. They maintain the best attributes of both the ectomorphs and the endomorphs. Perhaps the most imposing obstacle for the mesomorph is overconfidence. Because mesomorphs can generally build muscle and shed away fat with considerable ease, they are prone to become lax in watching their diet or maintaining a steady exercise routine, depending on their favourable genetics to shape up when the occasion calls for it.
The Ectomorph
Ectomorphs have a thin, linear appearance. Ectomorphs can lose weight easily and tend to have low levels of body fat. However, they also have a harder time gaining lean muscle mass. The ectomorphic body type, sometimes referred to as the “banana,” is characterized by long arms and legs and a short upper body, high forehead, slightly narrow shoulders. According to Sheldon’s theory, they have a higher proportion of nervous tissue.
The extreme ectomorph physique is a fragile and delicate one. The bones are light, joints are small and muscles are slight. The limbs are relatively long in proportion and the shoulders droop. Ectomorphs may appear taller than they actually are, due to the length of limbs coupled with lack of muscle mass developed on those limbs.
These people may have long fingers, toes and neck. The features of the face are sharp, and the shape of the face is triangular. The lower jaw is somewhat receding. Ectomorphs may suffer from extremes of temperature, due to a greater body area in relation to the insulation of fat and muscle mass. The hair is fine, grows quickly and is sometimes difficult to keep in place.
As you read through these profiles, you may have difficulty deciding where you belong. Few people actually fall distinctly into one category and some people would be better described as an ecto-mesomorph or an endo-mesomorph. In any case, there are steps each of us can take in making the best of our body type.
Endomorph Exercise Strategy
Many endomorphs desire a leaner, more defined look. In addition to a lean diet, the key is to increase aerobic or cardiovascular workouts. This type of exercise is crucial to keeping the metabolism and calorie burning at a high level. Avoid high impact cardio and concentrate on biking, brisk walking, swimming, cross-country skiing, stair climbing and the cross-trainer. Do 30-60 minutes of cardio work three to six times a week at a moderately intense level.
For adding muscle tone and definition, perform a total-body weight training routine three times a week that consists of two sets of weight training exercises per body part. Do ten to fifteen repetitions per set using a moderate to light weight. To improve body symmetry, you may want to double up on upper-body exercises.
Mesomorph Diet and Exercise Strategy
Three to five cardio workouts a week done at a moderate to fast pace should help keep you looking lean and trim. Aim for 30 to 45 minutes per session. Once you have worked up to it, higher impact cardio training, such as running will increase the intensity of your workout.
For strength training, light to moderate weight training done two or three times a week will help enhance tone, not size. Perform two sets of 12 to 15 repetitions using light to moderate weights for each major muscle group. You may want to try circuit training (moving quickly from one exercise to the next without a break) because it promotes strength and stamina without building bulk.
Ectomorph Exercise Strategy
While cardiovascular exercise burns calories, which is not particularly an ectomorph’s goal, cardio work is necessary if you are to sustain exercise levels to the point that you can build muscle mass. It is necessary to build up stamina by conditioning your heart and lungs for the challenge of extended exertion. So, include cardio exercise three or four times a week and aim for at least 20 minutes a session at a moderate to intense level. This is enough to develop cardiovascular health without extended times of calorie burn.
Build up muscle mass with two to four sets of weight training exercises per body part. Use a moderate to heavy weight that you can lift with good form for six to ten repetitions. Increase your weight and work your muscle to the point where you cannot lift another repetition before calling it a day. Consider doing a split routine where you work some parts of the body one day and then others the next. Don’t forget to eat to give your body the raw material it needs to build muscle. Adding an extra 1000 calories or more a day, with ample protein, is a good idea.
Remember that when it comes to body type we are all different and there is little we can do to change ourselves into the image of another. So, as you diet and exercise to improve your health and physique, do not compare yourself with anyone else. You’re striving to be the best you can be, and you are created as a unique person.
then the metcon looked like this.
3 Round
400 M Run
15 Pull-ups
10 Thrusters @ 95 lbs
Well I hate running and it looked like Fran, so I thought to myself, why don't I just tackle Fran and see if I've improved from last time. The last time I did Fran, my time was 5:48 but I was just spent! I spent over 20 minutes lying on my back on the floor recovering, so you could see that I was pretty nervous about it this time.
In case you don't know, "Fran" is 21 thrusters @ 95lbs, followed by 21 pull ups, then 15 thruster, 15 pull ups, 9 thrusters, and 9 pull ups. Before I started, I made sure I spent extra time foam rolling, static stretching, working on mobility and movement prep work. After a thorough warm up, I gave it a shot. It went down like this:
21 thrusters unbroken
21 pull ups UB
8 thrusters, 7 thrusters
15 pull ups UB
9 thrusters
9 pull ups
Time? 5:04. Good for a 44 sec PR! I was ecstatic. And the better news, I didn't feel that bad afterward. I actually felt pretty good! I didn't even have to lie on the floor! A much different feeling than went I tackled Fran last (which was back in April 2010, I believe). All in all, a better time = increased work capacity = happier me! See you next time! (when I'll have a sub-5 Fran)