Monday, May 16, 2011

Fitness Goals of the 2012 Crossfit Season!

After the 6 week long open sectionals of the Crossfit games, I went through 6 workouts and learned a lot about myself, my skill level, and my work capacity. I ended up finishing in 172nd place out of 455 participants in my region. Out of those 455 participants, only 340 were able to complete all six workouts. So completing all the workouts was an achievement, however, I still want to make huge improvements so that I can reach the top 60 next year.

In my quest to the qualify for the Canada West regionals of 2012. I plan on achieving these goals by the time the sectionals start next year. I feel that by posting these goals on my blog, I will hold myself accountable to reach them.

400lb Deadlift
300lb Back Squat
225lb Clean & Jerk
200lb Overhead Squat
175# Snatch

sub 4:00 Fran
sub 9:00 Helen
sub 4:00 Diane
sub 7:30 2K Row

20 rounds of Cindy
50 unbroken pull-ups
10 unbroken muscle ups

That's all for now. It's a good list to start. Now, you can all hold me accountable for trying to reach my goals. I'll revisit this post a year from now.

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